Homeowner Insurance Survey
The Aldasoro Ranch Homeowners Company (HOC), is conducting an outreach to properties located in the West end of the Telluride region in the Deep Creek Mesa area to discuss homeowners’ insurance and the alarming trend of non-renewals and skyrocketing insurance premiums.
The risk of wildfire in Colorado over the past decade has reduced the number of property & liability carriers willing to offer coverage in Telluride, especially if your home is 5 miles or more from the nearest Fire Station or more than 1,000 feet from a fire hydrant. We no longer have the luxury of shopping around for better insurance premiums now that carriers are pulling out of our area.
Click the link below to start the survey. You will need your policy information to complete the survey including: carrier name, annual premium, and deductible amounts. The information will be kept confidential, and no personal identifiers will be used in the general summary survey results.
Once the feasibility study is complete, an analysis will be shared with those that completed the survey to determine a plan moving forward. You may forward this survey link to any neighbor that may not be aware of this outreach.
If you have questions, please email HOC Director of Operations, Shellie Duplan at director@aldasororanch.com. We look forward to your participation!